Our Products

foaming hand soap

scouring powder


LAUNDRY detergent

About Hope & LATHER

Our products are created with experience and passion. With a focus on wellness and purpose, proceeds from Hope & Lather will go towards the use and research of the natural chemical free fight against cancer.

In 2022, my breast cancer diagnosis turned our world upside down. In an effort to live healthier, longer lives, my husband and I have been changing one thing at a time. We thought we were living healthy lives with great eating and living habits! We have since learned that the overload of environmental toxins and stress to our bodies hinders the immune system and makes it difficult to fight disease. One thing that is always touching our body and our lungs is our soaps, cleaners and detergents. This led me to begin making our household cleaners and soaps with organic and natural ingredients. We hope you are able to try the products that we have grown to love!

